Posts filed under Annoying

CiscoVPN Error 51 Annoyance

The CiscoVPN client (v4.9.01.0100) for Apple OSX throws an error every once in a while. Mainly when I just rebooted, or when I was forced to quit some hanging application (which also occurs on Macs). The error is:

Error 51: Unable to communicate with the VPN subsystem

Somehow, the VPN software looses contact with the network adapter (wired AND wireless). After this there are two things you can do;

  1. Reboot
  2. or restart the Cisco VPN Service manually.

The first is kinda obvious (it's almost a MS Windows strategy :)). The second one is done via the Terminal (Finder -> Applications -> Utilities -> Terminal). Just type the following command (followed by your password);

sudo /System/Library/StartupItems/CiscoVPN/CiscoVPN restart

The thing I don't understand is; Why hasn't Cisco incorporated this in the VPN client?

IF (Error 51 == TRUE)
DO CiscoVPN.restart

It seems that this 'bug' is present since the release of the Mac OSX version of the software.

Posted on May 20, 2008 and filed under Annoying, Apple, Security, Software, Tips'n Tricks.

A Slow Week

Biggest (techno) news in the Netherlands was probably the failure of the Internet. The largest ATM Internet backbone massively failed in the Netherlands. This resulted in thousands of people without any Internet access for 1-3 days.
Currently the problems are temporarily patched, but they are still on high alert.

For the first time I wasn't affected. Normally this only occurs to me.

Purely coincidentally, I found a South Park episode (s12e06/Over Logging) in which the Internet fails. This results in mayhem in South Park (just like it did over here).

Furthermore, I drove 170 kilometer today, and it took me about 5 hours. Traffic jams due to spring rain (????) were to blame (according to the traffic information services). Basically, because people are egoistic when they're driving, and won't anticipate (when they're reading the paper, shaving, and/or applying make-up using the rear view mirror) on their surroundings.

So no Internet (for large parts of the Netherlands), and traffic jams from here to Tokyo. So 'slow' might be an understatement.

Posted on May 16, 2008 and filed under Annoying, Internet, News, Personal.

All Comments Held For Moderation....

Ever since I upgraded to Wordpress 2.5 I had to moderate every comment posted on this blog. Note that I hadn't turned this on in the Wordpress settings.

Some research showed that it might have to do something with 'older' plugins. After a trail and error period I found out that the WP Hashcash plugin was to blame. Ever since I de-activated it, the problem seems to be gone.

Posted on April 24, 2008 and filed under Annoying, Tips'n Tricks, Website, WordPress.

VMWare and Firewall / VPN Clients

Well, that was another morning well spent....

A couple off weeks ago I started experimenting with FreeRADIUS on Ubuntu server (v6.06.2 TLS). Mainly because I needed to test some things for work. So I used VMWare to experiment. The networking part was set-up as Bridged.

Today, I wanted to test with iperf (a tool for network performance testing). So I launched the virtual machine, but there was no network connectivity. ifconfig showed that eth1 didn't received an IP adres.
So I ran every possible test there was;

  • restarted the interfaces (/etc/init.d/networking restart)

This resulted in the following;

Listening on LPF/eth1/00:0c:29:68:e3:eb
Sending on LPF/eth1/00:0c:29:68:e3:eb
Sending on Socket/fallback
DHCPDISCOVER on eth0 to port 67 interval 8
DHCPDISCOVER on eth0 to port 67 interval 12

The "DHCPDISCOVER" messages continue about 4 times, then the message:

No DHCPOFFERS received.
No working leases in persistent database - sleeping.

  • restarted the DHCP server
  • rebooted the virtual machine
  • changes the networking to NAT instead of Bridged (this way, connectivity was restored, but not the way I wanted. I needed Bridge-mode)
  • Tried to run the virtual machine on OSX (VMWare Fusion), which worked surprisingly.

After this I ran Wireshark on my server to see if DHCP request were coming in.... And you might have guessed; No DHCP request were reaching the DHCP server. So the problem was work PC related.... As a matter of fact, I had the Cisco VPN client running..... Which didn't allow the DHCP request broadcast.

Shutting the VPN client down solved the DHCP problem. After the virtual machine worked I could reinitiate the VPN.

Mental note to myself: do NOT boot/restart the virtual machines when the VPN is up.

Authentication Required While Printing on OSX 10.5.2

Since I upgraded from OSX 10.5.1 to 10.5.2 I haven't been able to use my shared printer on on my Windows server. Every job I submit gives me an error saying On Hold (Authentication Required).

There's no way that I could submit the printjob to the server from my Mac.

It seems that there is a bug in the authentication mechanism on OSX 10.5.2. If you add a (network) printer by using the System Preferences, you get to browse to find the actual printer.

Posted on March 31, 2008 and filed under Annoying, Apple, Tips'n Tricks.

Nokia E61i Firmware Update

Early this week, I found a new firmware for my Nokia E61i (out since October 2007). The version I had was v1.x, and this one was v2.0633.65.01 (press *#000# on your E61 to see the current firmaware version). Updating goes through a separate application, but it should also be possible through download over the mobile network (I haven't tried this). All you need to know is explained on the Nokia website, but there are some thing you don't want to forget;
  • Use the Nokia Datasuite to create a FULL backup of the phone, because during the upgrade the phone goes back to factory defaults.
  • Have lot's of patience (and some deodorant handy)
  • Make sure the PC isn't doing anything else that might interfere with the update.
The first attempt failed for me. Even with all the warnings (DO NOT INTERRUPT THE UPDATING PROCESS OR DISCONNECT THE PHONE!!!) I rebooted the PC and disconnected the phone. Result, the phone didn't respond (this is where my deodorant came in). After this I restarted the upgrade process, and the phone got recognized (thankfully). After 10 minutes, the phone rebooted with the new firmware version. First action was to restore all data and settings on the phone. Since I had some issues with my network connectivity I decided to remove the Access Points and reconfigure them.... Well, don't. First of all, I wasn't able to receive the configuration parameters from the mobile operator (SMS 'ja' to 1300), so I had to reconfigure them manually. Their website has a step-by-step manual on configuring the E61i, but this didn't help either. MMS functionality remained absent, and none of the applications was able to connect to the Internet by itself. I had to initiate the connection manually before browsing the web. E-mail was even worse. Every time I had 'Packet Authentication' errors. So after a day I decided to restore the Access Points from my backup, and guess what... Everything worked again. And now for the thing that have changed (at least the ones that I've noticed);
  • the e-mail application seems more stable
  • camera and video are still crappy (the time between the snapshot sound and the actual capture is still multiple seconds)
  • Idle connections are terminated. This is a bad thing (for me at least), because I had my UMTS connection open all the time, and this way I received mail throughout the day. Now I have to connect each time I want to check my e-mail.
I haven't tried VoIP yet, but will try to do so soon (that's what happens when you don't pay for your own bills :-) ) Conclusion is that the phone didn't get better. There are some improvements, and there are some new annoyances. But my e-mail is stable at this moment.
Posted on March 15, 2008 and filed under Annoying, Gadgets, Software, Symbian.

TrueCrypt Cross-Platform??

Since I have an iMac with OSX 10.5 (Leopard), I use TimeMachine for my backups. This works great actually. But I also need an off-site backup of some sort. Just in case the house burns down or that some f*cker decides to steal my hardware. So I bought an external Freecom 160GB USB2 drive (USB powered) for my off-site backups. I encrypted the entire harddisk with TrueCrypt 5.0 on my iMac, and copied the data I needed to preserve. After that I wanted to access the data from my work laptop (Windows XP SP2 with TrueCrypt v5.0)..... This didn't work. TrueCrypt didn't recognize the password, or the encrypted disk (AES / SHA-256 full disk encryption). I tried to access the data on my Mac and everything worked, so there's no data corruption of some sort. Eventually, I recreated the encrypted drive on my Windows XP laptop (lost the backup in the process). This time the disk would mount, and could also be read/mounted by my Mac. So, I guess that TrueCrypt is Cross-platform, but with the current version (v5.0a) you need to make sure to create the volume on Windows if you also want to mount it on OSX. I reported this through their bug-reporting tool to the developers. No idea if there are similar problems with Linux. UPDATE: Pretty soon they released v5.0a, and today v5.1 was released. So development goes on :-)
Posted on March 3, 2008 and filed under Annoying, Apple, Microsoft, Security, Software.

Power Failure... Again

As you might have noticed, the server was down the last 24 hours. When I got home last night I found my server dead. The green power LED on the mainboard was still on, but apart from that... nothing. So I tried to switch the server on and off a couple of times. After a few tries, the entire room lit up for about a nanosecond followed by absolute silence, and darkness..... The power supply had short-circuited and took the entire house with it. Byebye power supply. The initial thought was; 'Well, it's gonna be a nice weekend reinstalling the server from scratch', but thankfully, it was only the power supply that had died on me. After replacing it, the server ran as before. This got me thinking about the life-expectancy of computer hardware. Frequent visitors may have read a similar post on my blog last year. So the power supply that died isn't even a year old. I still might have had some warranty on it (if I hadn't pried it open to see the internal damage :) ). If I would like to use the warranty, I'm looking at at least a couple of days downtime, and since a new power supply is relatively inexpensive, I couldn't be bothered. The life expectancy of hardware is obviously shorter than the Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) given by the manufacturer. The new supply has a (theoretical) MTBF of >100.000 hours, This means >4000 days. Well, mine lasted <365 days.
Posted on February 27, 2008 and filed under Annoying, Hardware, Website.

SanDisk RescuePro Software on a 'Mini' CD

I bought some accessories for my photo gear today. Among the items was a new 2GB SanDisk Extreme III CF card. This package came with a 'purse' to store cards, and a CD with recovery software. In most cases you'll only get the Windows version of a product (if there is an OSX version all together)..... But this CD also contains the OSX version of SanDisk's RescuePro. Downside is that the CD is mini CD (or what you might call it), and those won't work very well with the latest Mac's. The latest Mac's have DVD/CD players without a tray, so insert the CD, and you can ship your Mac for repairs...... And since the Windows OS can't read the Mac part of the CD, there's no way of getting the software of the CD.
Posted on January 31, 2008 and filed under Annoying, Photography, Software.

Display Full Path in Finder

One thing I hate is not knowing where I am. I had this in Windows, and I still have it OSX. By default OSX doesn't show the full path in the finder. This is annoying as hell. Especialy when you're having shares called 'Pictures', and the chances are quite big that you might have a local directory called 'Pictures'. You can't tell the difference. Using the following terminal command, you get the full path in the Finder. So no more 'Pictures', but '/Volumes/Pictures/' Terminal command: defaults write _FXShowPosixPathInTitle -bool YES killall Finder Simply replace the YES for NO to disable the feature. This is OSX 10.5 or higher only!!
Posted on January 29, 2008 and filed under Annoying, Apple, Tips'n Tricks.