MDaemon Config Horror

I evaluated the MDaemon v9.7.2 mailserver, and I must say that it's quite complex to get it to run... my way.

It's quite common to separate the program and the data. So, I tried to put the data on a different disk. This isn't done by using the GUI, but you need to edit the Mdaemon.ini file in the App directory (not every directory can be changed by the GUI). After changing the defaults, the MultiPOP feature didn't work. It seems there's another config file for remote mail stuff. This file (schedule.dat) needs to reference the same location as the Mdaemon.ini file. Why is that? Why use two config files for one program? And why use a different extension (.dat versus .ini)? Beats me.

For a mailserver that pretends to be a fair, and relatively simple alternative to the over-powered and over-featured Microsoft Exchange mailserver you need a 'rocket science engineers degree' to get it to work properly.
Posted on January 2, 2008 and filed under Annoying, Personal, Software.