Posts filed under Annoying

X-Mas Snail Mail Spam

Even in real life (IRL) I get spam. X-mas cards from people I don't know (and don't want to know), and to make it even more real; even the recipients address (mine) is wrong (most of the time)....

This could mean three things;

  1. The Internet is adapting to the real life
  2. People sending X-mas cards are just plain stupid....
  3. The mailman is drunk

Anyway, I treat it the same as the Internet spam.... Straight to /dev/null (a.k.a. the trashcan). Because I can't be bothered playing a mailman. It's not really a (sexual) fantasy of mine.

So, if you're missing out on some x-mas cards..... ;-)

Posted on December 22, 2008 and filed under Annoying, Personal.

SSH Connection to Juniper Devices

While in the mids of my Juniper exam preparation I ran into a problem with my Apple equipment. Managing the Juniper firewall (SSG5 in this case) with SSH was not possible from OSX. The connection itself would work, but after entering the password the connection was closed by the remote host (the firewall).
Trying this from a Windows laptop (with SecureCRT) everything worked as expected.

Some searching revealed that this is an OpenSSH bug. To manage your Juniper with SSH from OSX you need to add a parameter to the ssh command (or edit the SSH config file).

Parameter to add:

-o ControlMaster=auto
e.g. ssh willem@ -o ControlMaster=auto

Or add the following line to the global SSH config (/etc/ssh_config) or the user config (~/.ssh/config).

ControlMaster auto

Juniper has a knowledgebase article (KB12409) on the issue.

Posted on December 18, 2008 and filed under Annoying, Apple, Hardware, Operating Systems, Security, Software.

OSX Finder Replacement

This week I heard a tip on one of the TWiT podcasts about a OSX Finder replacement. Finder in OSX is what the Windows Explorer is for Windows. You use it to browse around your PC, copy, rename and launch programs.

Ever since I switched to Mac I encountered a couple of drawbacks on the OSX Finder;

  • No Cut&Paste option (CMD-X doesn't work on files)
  • Pressing 'Return' on a file is opening the rename 'dialog'. (CMD-O to open files).
  • etc.

I know that OSX has the ability to remap keys, so that you can still use the (old) Windows commands/keys, but I like things to be as default as it can be.

Posted on November 14, 2008 and filed under Annoying, Personal, Software, Tips'n Tricks.

CS4 Action Script Compatibility

Scripts made in Adobe CS3 may not work in Adobe CS4 product. I tried an evaluation version of Photoshop CS4, and found out that my watermarking action 'crashed'.
The crash is triggered by the CS3 version of the 'Fit Image' script/command.

So much for backwards compatibility...

UPDATE: I've updated the watermarking action. This one works with CS4. For CS3 you need this one.

UPDATE 2: New CS4 Watermarking Actions

Posted on November 13, 2008 and filed under Annoying, Software.

Copyrighted Photos

It's very frustrating if people 'steal' your images when you're a photographer. It's annoying if they 'borrow' them (hotlinking, use them in other websited), and it's downright evil if they are using them for generating money [1, 2, 3].

Anyway, on a 'local' forum, some of the members found out that members (you need to be a Hyves member to view this) were using copyrighted photos. Other 'Hivers' can use these images to create collages, or use them to 'pimp' their personal pages (yuk!!).
Some of the original images still showed the copyright info, while other photos were modified to remove the copyright text (deliberate copyright infringement if you ask me).

The 'fun' part is that people who use these images get mad if you ask them to remove the image due to copyright infringement. The general consensus seems that everything you put up on the Internet is up for grabs.

So, if you don't want others to (mis)use your photos don't put them online. If you have to put them online, make sure other people can't remove the copyright info without 'destroying' the photo (e.g. humongous watermark across the photo). Or just put very small versions of the photos online.

Posted on November 5, 2008 and filed under Annoying, Copyrights, Photography.

Original DVD's.....

Band of Brothers Band of BrothersWhy buy them? I bought a couple of movies in the last couple of weeks. Including the 'Band of Brothers' DVD-box (probably the best TV-miniseries ever). Just to be reminded (again) that the original product (in general) is annoying as hell.

I started the DVD, and the first thing that I saw were some crappy trailers of crappy movies. The menu appeared only after I had FFWD'ed every single one of them.
After watching the first episode I wanted to quickly skip to the second.... No way of doing that besides stopping and starting the DVD from scratch. Which results in trailers etc. of the same (crappy) movies I have no interest in..... Every f*cking button, which might guide me to the menu, on my remote was unresponsive.

First thing on my list when I wake up tomorrow; rip the DVD's, remove every piece of DRM crap and enjoy the remaining episodes my way.
Honest people are hijacked by the MPAA (and associates) by forcing all this DRM crap upon those who buy legitimate DVD's. No wonder people are ripping and copying DRM protected content.

Every now-and-then you try to do the good thing, only to be reminded why you were ripping DVD's in the first place......

Posted on October 9, 2008 and filed under Annoying, DRM, Movies, Personal.

Copying EXIF Information

Lots of data is recorded in photos every time you take a picture with a modern digital camera (EXIF data). Stuff like; make, model, aperture, shutter speed, ISO etc. Nowadays, it's possible to add GPS information as well. This information is available in programs like Adobe Lightroom and Apple Aperture.

Unfortunately, the recorded information might get lost if you use graphics software to manipulate the photos. For example, I take 5 photos and blend them into one for a panoramic photo or an HDR photo. The result can be stunning, but mostly, the original EXIF information is gone. In these situations I copy the information using jhead (exiftool is an alternative) from one of the original images and place this in the final (manipulated) image. Downside is that this is kinda disrupting for my 'workflow', because is done by the command line.

It would be nice if e.g. Lightroom had a context menu of copying the EXIF information (this is possible for other metadata in the photos), and pasting it in the new photo.
Some might say that this might not be very ethical because the data is from another image, but then again, there are tools already available for doing this. Even though these aren't very user friendly. Perhaps a small suggestion for the developers.....

Posted on September 16, 2008 and filed under Annoying, Photography.

Undocumented Coldfusion Ports

After running 'chkrootkit' on one of my Ubuntu server at work, I got a responds:

Checking `bindshell'... INFECTED (PORTS:  4000)

A message which started a 'mild' shiver across my back, because the rootkit checker just reported that one of the processes on the server could be compromised.

First I took the server of the network. Just to make sure. After that I searched the Internet for a possible explaination. Nothing substancionally. until I found the following command to see what is occupying the port.

sudo netstat -e -p -n -a | grep 4000

This gave me the following result:

udp6       0      0 :::4000                 :::*
65534      13886      4739/coldfusion8

So it seems that Adobe Coldfusion is using this port. But this can't be found in any of the official Adobe Coldfusion documentation. There are some (blog)posts related to this, but nothing more.

Posted on August 27, 2008 and filed under Annoying, Linux, Operating Systems, Security.

Corrupt / Missing Windows Profile

If you think that things are going (relatively) well, they come right back at ya....

This time it's my laptop from work. I used to enjoy my HP NX8220 widescreen laptop. It served its purpose well over the last 3 years. Since it was out of warranty (and noisy), it had to be replaced by a Fujitsu Siemens Lifebook E8310.

Personally, I never liked the Fujitsu Lifebooks. They feel like cheap plastic laptops that might fall apart with every keystroke. Apart from the physical look and feel, there's the 'need' to use hardware which can only be used by installing a gazzilion Fujitsu installers/drivers (on the HP I only needed half the drivers to get a functioning laptop).
The quality of these drivers are questionable. On a default Windows XP Pro SP2 OS with ALL the tools/drivers recommended by Fujitsu the hardware and Windows OS don't seem to get along. Without any reason, the OS seems to hang every once in a while. And lately things have gotten worse....

Posted on August 19, 2008 and filed under Annoying, Hardware, Microsoft, Operating Systems, Software.

There Goes My Traffic

Last week I reported that the upgrade to Wordpress 2.6 didn't go as planned. Well, the upgrade went fine, but it seems that there's a permalinks bug. The 'old' URL's won't work, so I have to cope with a "?p=449" notation of the links to my posts. A direct consequence of this is that everybody using a search engine to find stuff on my blog ends up on my website, but not on the page with the actual article.

From over 600 pageviews per day a week ago, there's a small 40 a day left :-( .

It may be that the new Wordpress 2.6.1 Beta 2 solves this issue, but it may also break other things. Let's hope they release the next (working) version yesterday.

Posted on August 14, 2008 and filed under Annoying, Website, WordPress.